Infotyke India

iNFOTYKE created a privacy statement (“Statement”) in order to demonstrate our devotion to a customer’s privacy. Privacy on our website (the “Site”) is of utter importance to us. Because we gather important information from our visitors and customers, we have established this statement as a means to inform others about our data gathering and dissemination practices. iNFOTYKE totally abides by the principle that a client’s privacy is of utmost importance. Please carefully read the following privacy policy:.

Any person accessing, browsing, or otherwise using this site, either manually or via an automated device or program, shall be considered a “user.” The purpose of this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) is to explain the type of information that we collect from our users, what we do with that information, and with whom we share this information. By accessing, browsing, or using the site, you agree that you fully understand and consent to this privacy policy and all other terms relevant to your use of our site, including our Terms of Use.

Collected Information:
iNFOTYKE is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. We don’t or won’t sell, share, or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. We require customers who register to use the services (“Services”) offered on our site to give us contact information, such as their name, address, phone number, and email address. iNFOTYKE uses the information that we collect to set up services for our customers. We may also use the information to contact customers to further discuss customer interest in our company and the services that we provide and to provide information on updates to the service. Except as we explicitly state at the time we request information, as stated herein, we do not disclose to any third party the information provided.

Cookies are files that your web browser places on your computer’s hard drive and are used to tell us whether you have visited the site previously. iNFOTYKE issues a session cookie only to record the user’s path through the web site. The session cookie does not save or retrieve any personal information about the user.

Log Files:
Our log files capture the URLs of the pages visited, browser type, screen resolution, and IP addresses for the purpose of analyzing trends, tracking user movement, administering the site, and gathering broad demographic information for aggregate use. None of this information is linked to personally identifiable information.

Sharing of Information:
We may share aggregated demographic information about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related site information with reputable third-party vendors, including our partners and advertisers. This is not linked to any personal information that can identify any individual person. Examples include reports on how many times a certain page was viewed or how many distinct users used the service. iNFOTYKE will not disclose any of your personally identifiable information to any third party except (a) when such information is transferred to a purchaser of all or substantially all of Syrgis business interests, or (b) when we believe, in good faith, that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to (i) comply with law, (ii) enforce or apply the terms of any of our user agreements, or (iii) protect the rights, property, or safety of Syrgis, our users, or others.

This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by the site. The site contains links to other sites. When you click on links and/or ad banners that take you to third-party web sites, you will be subject to the third parties’ privacy policies. While we support the protection of privacy on the Internet, iNFOTYKE cannot be responsible for the actions of third parties or for their privacy practices. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website with which they interact.

iNFOTYKE uses industry-standard technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site to help ensure its security.

Additional Information:
Questions regarding this Statement or the practices of this Site should be directed to iNFOTYKE by emailing such questions to